Solo Tantra.
Practice alone is where the foundation begins and is the only way to understand inner foundation for partner practices.
Do you want to learn the ancient wisdom of Tantra to uncover ecstatic bliss and high energy radiance?
Do you want lasting peace even during chaos?
Do you want to attract a partner this year for the deepest connection and the most explosive hours long sex?
Then you can learn that here.
You can begin learning and experiencing quickly exactly what Tantra practices are with Zoom coaching with no partner needed and no religion.
The coaching and courses here attempt to stay authentic to Tantra training Debra received in India but shy away from patriarchal entanglements or copy-and-paste modalities. She brings in knowledge as a trained clinical sexologist.
Power, ecstacy, peace, radiance, purpose, and sacred life can be yours with solo Tantra practice and healing.
Debra Wilder focuses on Tantra for solo students to honor the individual path to awakening. From there, she offers couples practices. She has de-mystified the ancient secrets of Tantra and removed the male-dominated ideas of modern Indian texts to get to the truth of the practices of Tantra.
You will learn actual practices to do daily and possibly in-person healing bodywork in a St Petersburg Florida.
Many go on to meet their perfect partner that year.
Is Tantra not exactly for you?
Debra is also a board certified clinical sexologist & certified in intimacy education