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 Debra Wilder, certified Tantra teacher of 11 years

Figure Out Your Goals in Life


Main goals are the big things you want to do in the next few months, this year, or the next couple of years.

They are not to-do list type items.


Examples of main goals: Buy a house, finish my degree, attract a partner to get married, be healthy, become a full-time course creator, run a 10k, have a kid, become a CEO, gain 10 pounds muscle.


Here are 7 steps to determine your main goals in life:

  1. Do the guided-meditations in my online course for goals and focus (free complete preview on Udemy)
  2. Meditate after connecting inward and asking yourself the question
  3. Make a list of your values and look at them to determine additional goals
  4. Make a list of what is important to you and determine additional goals
  5. Pay attention to synchronicity. What dharma seems to want to come to you?
  6. Go in nature alone without disturbance from others. Nature will give answers.
  7. Repeat the inward meditation again if you still need help.

Write these in a short list along the way.


When making a goals audio recording for yourself, you will want only 2-10 in the audio and the non-main goals can go on your vision board or to-do list.


See them

I also love to create a text widget on my phone with main goals that I see every time I look at my phone screen. It works! Almost like self-hypnosis! Here is my screen with two widgets for goals: be a full-time course creator and a list of main goals.

goal widget text example


Speak them

Use the power of your voice to speak your goals. I teach people how to use Tantra and chakras to work even more with power of voice.

Affirmations for the audio will be created in a spontaneous way or using your goals list. They are more about what makes you happy and on the correct path.


There are more techniques and tools in my course on Udemy to assist you in goals. This blog is to help you get started and understand what main goals actually are.



Try the above steps today to figure out true goals, and start focusing on them daily. Morning is best for focus. Once you have your list, you can make action steps or SMART goals to work on them.

I recommend meditating, speaking, and visualizing your goals each morning which is a part of Tantra. Go after your dharma.


Udemy $12.99 Coupon code: Master Goal-Setting using Law of Attraction and Meditation with this online course.

There are free preview lessons on Udemy including guided-meditations.



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